Walt Disney

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About Walt Disney

An American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate that is headquartered at the Walt Disney Studios complex in Burbank, California

CEO: Bob Iger

Year Established: 1923

Last Year's Revenue (in billions): $88.898

Stock Symbol: DIS

Headquarters Location: Burbank, CA

*As of 2023-11-20

Recent Layoff Information
Total Employees Employees Laid Off (Estimated Yearly Total[1]) Date of Last Layoff
220,000 7,000 May 2023
Total Employees 220,000
Employees Laid Off (Estimated Yearly Total[1]) 7,000
Date of Last Layoff May 2023
Layoffs This Year
Layoffs Past 5 Years
Compared to All Companies

Note: Amazon and Walmart data ommited due to size.

Compared to All Companies as a Percentage (layoffs/employees)

Note: Amazon and Walmart data ommited due to size.

Compared to Sector
Compared to Sector As a Percentage (layoffs/employees)
Are More Layoffs Expected?

It is difficult to say for certain whether or not Disney will lay off more employees in the next year. The company has not made any announcements about future layoffs, and its financial performance will likely be a major factor in its decision-making process.

Disney's financial performance in recent months has been mixed. The company's streaming business has been growing rapidly, but its traditional media businesses, such as cable television and theme parks, have been struggling. As a result, Disney's profits have been declining in recent years.

The company is hoping to improve its financial performance by reducing its expenses and focusing on its streaming business. However, the company is also facing a number of challenges, including increased competition from other streaming services and rising costs.

If Disney's financial performance does not improve in the coming months, it is possible that the company will announce more layoffs in the next year. However, it is also possible that the company will be able to avoid layoffs by finding other ways to reduce costs.

Reason for Layoffs

According to various sources, Disney laid off a total of 7,000 employees in 2023. The layoffs were part of a broader cost-cutting initiative announced by the company in February 2023. The company cited a number of factors for the layoffs, including:

• Declining revenue: Disney's revenue has been declining in recent years due to a number of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the changing media landscape, and increased competition.

• Rising expenses: Disney's expenses have been rising as well, due to the need to invest in new technologies and content.

• A need to focus on core businesses: Disney is focusing on its core businesses of streaming, parks and experiences, and media networks. The company is divesting itself of non-core businesses, such as its linear television channels.

• A desire to improve profitability: Disney is aiming to improve its profitability by reducing its expenses and focusing on its core businesses. The company is also hoping to improve its efficiency by consolidating its operations.

The layoffs affected a variety of departments at Disney, including streaming, parks and experiences, media networks, and corporate functions. The company did not disclose the exact number of employees who were laid off in each department, but it is estimated that the majority of the layoffs occurred in the media networks and corporate functions departments.

The layoffs were a difficult decision for Disney, but the company believes that they were necessary to ensure its long-term success. The company is committed to providing support to its affected employees, including severance packages and outplacement services.


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[1]Layoff totals are the totals over the past year and not most recent round of layoffs. Totals will not be exact as it is not possible to track at that level of detail in real time. All information is gathered from SEC filings, WARN notices, news articles, social media posts, and users who post on our site. Layoffinsider uses various ai tools to help gather the data which is then reviewed by humans and cross checked for validity. If you suspect there is incorrect data then please reach out to us for prompt investigation. We want to be the number one trusted source for tracking layoffs.

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